Thursday, May 9, 2024

Flower of the Day - Pink & White


Flower of the Day – Pink & White


White flowers, pink berries, green leaves in clear vase


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Song I like

 Song I like;

Hypothermic by Goodnight Texas


Monday, September 25, 2023


One large dark pink flower with fuzzy looking yellow center, and a few green leaves.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Flower of the Day - Sunflower

Flower of the Day - Sunflower


This is another challenge from Cee, that I’ve seen people take part in, so I thought I’d post some flowers, too. Why not? I have lots of flower photos, though I’m not sure of the name of them, most of the time. Anyway…here goes…and I’ll not bombard you with tons of flower photos…just one a day!

This one I know! It is a sunflower. I grew it myself last summer.


Thanks for visiting! Peace☮️

© 2017 & 2023 BS

Sunday, May 8, 2016



I have begun the process of posting each installment/episode of "Two Souls: Into the Fire" onto my Word Press Blog.

I posted the very first one from the beginning of my story today, and it can be found here:

Thank you everyone, who has visited and enjoyed reading this fan fiction story. I appreciate it very much, and hope you will visit my WP blog also. It is at ...

Hope to see you there!




Friday, April 22, 2016


# 310 content

Back inside the house, Ghost poured himself another cup of coffee, got his meds out, and swallowed them all with his first big gulp of the hot liquid. He massaged his left temple, and Steve could see that his eye was twitching, already. He knew Ghost was more upset than he was letting on, and didn't want to upset him further by continuing the conversation.

"Come here, babe, I'm not mad at you," he said, wrapping his arms around Ghost. "I get what you're saying. Terry's our friend, and we're not cutting him off just because he went off the deep end." He kissed the top of Ghost's head. "Ok? You going back to bed for awhile?"

Ghost sniffled and nodded. "Yeah."

Steve watched him, as he slowly went down the hall. He still didn't want to see Terry anytime soon, or anybody, for that matter. He began cleaning up the kitchen. Afterwards, he went out to sit on the couch. He tried to watch TV for a little while, but couldn't work up any enthusiasm for it. Picking up a paperback, he tried to read, but after a page or two, closed the book.

"I'm so bored," he said aloud. He wanted to talk to Ghost...he needed to talk to Ghost...and not have all these serious discussions. He just wanted everything to be normal, again. He missed the jokes and laughs they used to have, but he knew Ghost had not been happy for a long time...even before their trip to L. A.

Sure, they'd had some good times along the way, but only for that short time, then Ghost would get quiet, again. That was one reason he'd had it in his head, that to make Ghost happy, it would be best if they went their separate ways. Maybe not forever, just for awhile, to find out what made them happy, and feel alive again. But, it had backfired, and now Ghost was blaming the omen for their dissatisfaction.

He scrubbed his hands over his face, and clawed at his scalp, scratching it, and tousling his hair. The thoughts in his head didn't go away, though. He sent up a random prayer to whoever might hear it.

"Please help us get right, again. I'm so tired of never knowing if we're up or down, anymore."

Getting off the couch, Steve walked down the hallway, just to peek in at Ghost. He wouldn't wake him. Opening the door a crack, he was surprised to see that Ghost was awake, sitting in bed, writing in his journal.

"You're still awake?" Steve asked, then felt stupid. Of course he could see that Ghost was awake.

Ghost nodded. "Come on in. I'm just writing stuff."

Steve sat down on the bed. "What kinda stuff?"

"Just stuff that happened lately, and trying to find some lyrics of some sort. I haven't in awhile, and now, it's like I forgot how to write a song," Ghost said.

"Yeah, I should play my guitar more often, too," Steve said. He went to get it, then strummed a few chords, getting the feel of it again.

Ghost wrote a few words, as they came to him, and hummed a sequence of tones, off and on, that Steve would replicate on the fret board.

"How did we get here?" Steve asked. "How are we changed now?"

"I feel it in my bones, in my head, in my heart," Ghost said, writing down the words. He then looked up, meeting Steve's eyes. They smiled, knowing this would be "Lost Souls" newest song.  Steve kept picking out notes, and Ghost wrote more words, and then they were done.

This...this was normal. This was what was missing...their lost souls back in harmony, again. They had been tested...been through the fire. They had been broken apart, but now were forged together even stronger, because of it.

They were Lost no longer.


This fan fiction story has come to an end. I appreciate everyone who has followed along,  visited, read, and commented on it. Hope you've enjoyed it. :)

I am going to be setting up a Word Press Blog for this story only. I'll be posting it over from the very first. I will leave a notice on this blog, when it is up and running.

I would like to invite you to follow on the new blog.

Here's a few songs that I feel goes along with the story of Steve and Ghost. Enjoy!

Peace, Love, & Writing


Wednesday, April 20, 2016


# 309 content

After Ghost had slammed out the back door, Melody went to look out. "He's going out to the old cemetery."

"He'll be back," Steve said. He reached for more bacon, and continued eating breakfast. "This sure is good. Y'all better dig in." And, so they did, but no one felt like making small talk, now. The only sounds were the clinking of their forks. Steve finished first, chugging his glass of milk last.

"Very nice breakfast. Are y'all leaving now?" He looked back and forth between Linda and Melody. "You can see we're not dead or anything."

Linda shrugged. "I should be getting back to the kids," Linda said. "You want to come, or stay here?" she asked Melody.

"I'm going with you."

"Well, we're gonna just chill out here for a couple of days, lay low ya know. We'll let Terry cool off, or whatever. I don't really want to run into him anytime soon," Steve said.

"Yeah, me either," said Linda, "but, I'm sure we will, and I may just let him have it. In fact, I know I will. He can't go pulling his gun out, threatening y'all, or anyone else like that. I don't care who he is." She went to get her purse and car keys. "Ready?" she asked Melody.

Melody nodded. "Yep, and Steve, tell Ghost I love him, and well...go out there and see about him. I don't like leaving like this, when he is so upset, but y'all need some alone time."

"I will," Steve said. He walked with them out to the car. "Don't worry about us. We'll be ok, and we'll see y'all in a few days." He watched them drive away, then got his jacket. He poured some hot coffee, with cream and sugar, into a thermos, then went out to find Ghost.

Crunching through the dried pine needles on his way to the cemetery, Steve made his way to his and Ghost's usual sitting spot. Sighing, he slowed, as he saw Ghost leaning against the old gravestone. It pained him to see the bruises on Ghost's face, knowing why he'd gotten them.

Ghost didn't look up, as Steve approached, but Steve knew Ghost heard him. He sat beside Ghost, poured a cupful of coffee into the thermos lid, and handed it to Ghost.

"Here...brought ya some coffee," he said. Ghost took it, taking a large swallow. Steve leaned back, waiting for Ghost to say something first, but he took a few more gulps of his coffee.

"Why do you do that?" Ghost asked.

Steve glanced over at him. "Huh? Do what?"

"You know, tell me how I should feel, how I should act. I'm capable of knowing that on my own. Maybe it don't match up with yours, but I do have feelings, Steve...good one, bad ones, or sad or mad ones...all the time, on my own. You keep telling me which one I should be feeling."

"I know you do," Steve said. "I don't get it, though, how you could be ready to kill Terry one day, and the next you're making excuses for what he did, like it was no big deal."

Ghost shrugged. "'Cause it's over. It's already done, and that won't change. We can hold onto what it was and be mad forever, or we can try to understand why it happened, and then move's done." He paused for a minute.

"Nothing good comes from thinking about it over and over...and, Steve, Terry is our friend. Something was making him crazy, and we'd be wrong to end it, when nothing actually happened."

Steve frowned. "What the hell, Ghost? Nothing happened? Were you off in la-la land when all this nothing happened? Look at yourself Look at me...even Terry...nothing happened? You gotta be shittin' me." He shook his head.

"What I meant was...we're not dead," Ghost said.

"You're right, we're not dead, so let's all just go get an ice cream sundae to celebrate," Steve said. "Every single one of us...a toast to not being dead...just beat up and being confused, and hating on everyone, and maybe even possessed by the boogyman. Hell yeah, let's go round 'em up. I'm paying." Steve took a breath.

Ghost stared hard at Steve.

"What? What are you doing?" Steve asked. "Stop staring at me."

" quiet...I'm trying to hear what you're thinking, why you're being mad at me," Ghost said.

"Fuck off...leave my thoughts alone. If you want to know something, just ask," Steve said, as he backed away a bit from Ghost.

Ghost shrugged. "Ok..." He broke off his gaze.
"Well?" asked Steve. "You gonna ask me something? Huh? Oh, you wanna know why I'm mad at you? It's 'cause you are acting like it was all a big, fat nothing last night. So what if it was this omen thing, whatever that means. It don't change the fact that Terry was off his rocker. I know he wasn't really wanting to kill us. Something went wrong and he snapped. But, damn, he could have done it...for real...then woke up to reality again. But, then it would have been too late...for us." He sighed. "Don't you see that?"

"Yeah, sure, of course I do, but it didn't happen." Ghost said. He stood up, brushing off the pine needles. "I'm done talking about it, now. I'm getting a headache. I'm going in. You can be mad at me some more, just keep it to yourself, ok?" He picked up his backpack, heading for the house.

Steve muttered, "Yeah, well quit reading my mind, then." He followed Ghost into the house.

Next part coming soon!

Peace, Love, & Writing